
Sea Level Rise Could Threaten California Cities and Ports by 2040

by Stas Margaronis

Sea Level Rising article

A new U.S. report, using advanced analytic software, says waves and storm surges are gaining momentum from sea level rise and collectively pose a more immediate threat than was previously believed. The result could be serious damage to California coastal cities and ports by 2040.

Elaine Forbes, executive director for the Port of San Francisco, told AJOT that ...

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SSA says Port of Oakland Turning Basin Expansion is Critical

The Stevedoring Services of America (SSA), general manager, who runs the Port of Oakland’s largest container terminal, Oakland International Container Terminal (OICT) says that the Port must quickly embark on an expansion of the Turning Basin located in the Oakland Estuary or face the loss of next generation container ship business.

oakland international container terminal

In an interview with AJOT, Jim ...

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PMSA’s McLaurin warns about higher California taxes to reduce maritime emissions.

John McLaurin at Propeller Club of Northern California

The president of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) warned maritime operators and customers to expect higher California air emission related taxes and fees in 2019.

John McLaurin, PMSA president, told a Propeller Club of Northern California luncheon audience to prepare for higher taxes and fees on harbor trucks, warehousing and possibly a tax on ocean containers.

He ...

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Opposition to Proposed Oakland A’s Ballpark at Port of Oakland

Maritime Stakeholders Voice Opposition to Proposed Oakland A’s Ballpark at Port of Oakland

by Stas Margaronis

The proposed Oakland Athletics baseball park to be located at the Port of Oakland (See rendering) is drawing criticism and opposition from maritime stakeholders, but a spokesman for the Oakland Athletics says that many of the industry’s concerns can be addressed.

Taj Tashombe, Vice President External Affairs for the Oakland A’s, outlined remedies to the Propeller Club of Northern California board of directors at a January ...

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A Message From U.S. Coast Guard To Towing Vessel Partners

Towing Vessel Industry Partners:

Please note and save the date for the following Subchapter M implementation industry outreach and education meetings:

Seattle, WA    – 12 September 2017 @ 1000 – Federal Center South
Portland, OR   – 14 September 2017 @ 1000 – Marine Safety Unit Portland
Alameda, CA    – 19 September 2017 @ 1000 – Coast Guard Island
Long Beach, CA – 21 September 2017 @ 1000 – Sector LA/LB

Building and maintaining ...

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