Wednesday, December 4, 2019 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Port of Oakland Exhibition Room, 930 Water Street, Oakland Ca 94607

09:00 Welcome – Stas Margaronis, Propeller Club of Northern California

09:05 Introductions

09:15 Port of Rotterdam Resiliency, Climate Adaptation Plans, and Dredging Practices

 Port of Rotterdam, Joost de Nooijer
 Port of Rotterdam, Andre van Hassent
Royal Haskoning DHV, Matthijs Bos

09:45 Discussion

10:30 Break

10:45 Improved Storms and Storm Surge Projections

– Juliette Finzi Hart (USGS) – will give brief overview of sea level rise, coastal storms and will address what Rob Cifelli would have covered since that’s our project too with the combined impact of and tee up the groundwater/sea level rise issues.

– Kees Nederhoff (Deltares) – will discuss the impacts of morphodynamic change and sediment transport, will also talk about this SFINCS model, which is the software you want him to address

– Jeremey Lowe (SFEI) – will pick this up and talk about  SFEI work in the San Francisco Bay examining different types of adaptation.

– Anne Wein (USGS) – will bring in the component about earthquakes and liquefaction and how those hazards in combination with climate change may impact the region and how it chooses to adapt moving forward.

11:15 Discussion

12:00 Conclusion