Melissa Roberts, executive director, American Flood Coalition, Federal Investment In Flood-Resilient Infrastructure

Victoria Sclafani, senior policy associate, American Flood Coalition, Highlights from “The Local Economic Impact of Flood-Resilient Infrastructure Projects” and Tools for Entities Seeking Federal Funding for Resilience

Mike Kaminski and Sharai Lewis-Gruss, lead and senior adaptation specialists, First Street Foundation, “First Street Foundation and the Flood Factor Assessment Tool”

Kathleen Schaefer, PhD candidate and former FEMA engineer, “Natural Disaster Risk: Liability or Asset?”

Jeff Varisco, Senior Project Manager, Programs & Project Management Division, Projects and Restoration Branch, United States Army Corps of Engineers – New Orleans District “Proposed Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion”

Alexander Kolker, associate professor, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, “Sea Level Change in Coastal Louisiana: Implications for Coastal Resilience and the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion.”

Jonathan Camp, acting chief, Office of Smart Mobility & Climate Change, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Transportation Planning, “Climate Adaptation Planning and Investment on the State Highway System”

Jeremy Lowe, coastal geomorphologist, San Francisco Estuary Institute, “Integrating Landscape Resiliency and Transportation Planning in the San Pablo Baylands of San Francisco Bay”

Kathryn Roscoe, senior flood risk and adaptation specialist, Deltares, “Coastal Flood Resilience Support System for Coastal Communities across the U.S” based on a pilot project in the City of Charleston.

Meri Davlasheridze, assistant professor, Department of Marine Sciences, Texas A&M University at Galveston, “The Price of Not Investing in the Texas Coastal Spine System”


Jeroen Aerts, director, Department of Water and Climate Risk, VU University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands’ Contribution to Flood & Sea Level Defense Initiatives”

Dirk-Jan Walstra, director of the Hydraulic Engineering Department, Deltares “Advanced Flood Protection Research & Design”

Matthijs Bos is lead climate adaptation & flood resilience for Royal Haskoning, DHV “Software Aids to Calculating Port of Rotterdam Cost/Benefit Defenses”

Gracie Todd and Bill Lambrecht, co-authors, “Saltwater Threats to U.S. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coasts Water Supply”

Kyle Hopkins, partner, Oisann Engineering, “Offshore desalination to mitigate flooding and saltwater threats”